Smartmatic consolidates its presence in Mexico

Ecomsa and Smartmatic plan to help institutions create accurate and reliable databases, minimizing identity fraud and theft

United States, Boca Raton- June 6, 2018 – Smartmatic and Ecomsa have partnered to distribute innovative technology in Mexico. As a result of this agreement, Ecomsa will begin using its distribution channels to offer Smartmatic’s biometric and identity management solutions to both the public and private sector.

Motivated by growing market demand, Ecomsa’s board of directives decided to broaden its portfolio with the help of Smartmatic, a world leader in elections and identity management. Ecomsa is a technology solutions company with over 33 years of experience in the industry.

By offering an all-in-one device (the VIU-825) that facilitates the capture of biographic and biometric citizen information, Ecomsa and Smartmatic plan to help institutions create accurate and reliable databases, minimizing identity fraud and theft.

Ricardo Acacio, president for Smartmatic Mexico, explained that the country is experiencing an increase in the number of processes that require identity protection. “Biometrics is no longer a luxury, it is a demand. As commerce increasingly requires quicker and more secure transactions, identity management is becoming more crucial and complex. We are immensely proud to bring to Mexico technology that makes it easier to register and authenticate people”.

Smartmatic’s VIU-825 was designed exclusively for the Mexican market and meets the new rules published by the National Banking and Securities Commission, which indicate that fingerprint readers must comply with Dual FAP 45 (Fingerprint Acquisition Profile).

The device is easy to use and has an ergonomic design. It includes a photo camera with a flash, fingerprint readers, touch screens, card readers and a battery with a 10-hour lifespan. Additionally, it has a Windows tablet and a thermal printer with an easy paper replacement mechanism.