Safe In-Person Voting

Safe In-Person Voting

Protecting the personal safety of poll workers and voters

No poll worker should risk their health and no voter should have to decide between exposure to the coronavirus and disenfranchisement. That is why Smartmatic offers this unique program to help reduce the burden on your staff to conduct safe in-person elections on schedule.

How does it work?

Working closely together with infectious disease experts, we take a holistic approach that reviews all election processes, procedures and communications using our election-process design methodology.

Following our assessment, we will provide you with:  

1.    Risk-mitigation report

This report includes all official guidelines and provides you with a clear identification of risks, the corresponding science-based mitigation measures and a shopping list with the materials and quantities you need. 

2.    Implementation support

Working with our mitigation team, we support you with implementing the recommended measures, and provide you with the services, materials, and products required to deploy safe elections.

3.    All year-round consultation support

To adjust and adopt to new measures year-round, we will continue to provide you with the needed information and support.

Have a look at the brochure for further details.

Smartmatic also offers a Safe Election Worker program, which follows the same approach as Safe In-Person Voting but focuses on mitigating the risk of infection for election workers at other facilities, such as warehouses, tally centers, and help desks. Learn more.

Interested to find out how we can help you? Contact us now.

Read more about what we are doing to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Read more about what we are doing to slow the spread of coronavirus.

Interested to find out how we can help you? Contact us now.